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My name is Brendan Blain AKA the Mustache Golfer. I have been golfing since I was around 10 years old but really didn't get more into it until I was 12-13. I played only one year of high school golf due to other sports I played but wish I played all four years. Growing up I played travel hockey so that took up most of my time. After high school, golf really took a big part into my life. I grew a mustache and haven't looked back since. Now I am here to show the golf world what I'm made of.
Brendan Blain
Slap Shot Golf is a golf brand that incorporates the game of hockey into the golfing community by our unique designs for our merchandise, as well as including guests who have been, or are still involved in the sports.
Slap Shot Golf is here to take the golf world by storm. Producing great golf content and youtube videos for our fans to enjoy, as well as manufacturing the hottest golf accessories on the market.
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